Dr. Ally Hussein Laay

Dr. Ally Hussein Laay

Posted 7 months ago

Dr. Laay has worked at various organizations and in different capacities including Principal Management Accountant at TANESCO,Management Consultant at PWC, Counterpart Director of Finance and Administration at Medical Stores Department, Director of Finance and Administration at TASAF, Director of Finance at ICAP of Columbia University and Director of Finance and Administration at the National Economic Empowerment Council.


Dr. Laay holds an Advanced Diploma in Accountancy (ADA), Post Graduate Diploma in Accountancy (PGDA), Certified Public Accountant (CPAT), Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Wales, Cardiff Business School in the UK and Ph.D. in Business Administration in Finance and Accounting from Commonwealth University, United Kingdom.


While being the board Member of LHRC and Chairman of the Audit, Risk, and Compliance Committee, Dr Laay also serves as Board Chairman of CRDB Bank PLC, the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT). He is also a member of a number of boards including the Tanzania Tourist Board (TTB) (where he chairs the Audit, Risk, and Compliance Committee), member and Chairman of the Audit and Compliance Committee of the Foundation for Civil Society (FCS).

He previously served as a Board member at the Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA), National Housing Corporation (NHC), Aerial Glacier Pediatric Health Initiative (AGPAHI), and Tanzania Family Planning.