Embassy of Finland Head of Cooperation paid a courtesy visit to LHRC - HQ

Embassy of Finland Head of Cooperation paid a courtesy visit to LHRC - HQ

Posted tokea miaka 2

On 30th November 2022 the incoming Head of Cooperation at the Embassy of Finland Mr Juhana Lehtinen and delegates from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland paid a courtesy visit to the Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC) Headquarters at Kijitonyama, Dar es Salaam.

Other Finland Embassy Representatives include; Maiju Palosaari (Coordinator, Embassy of Finland), Mina Mojtahedi (Senior Advisor - Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland), Lina Alli (Senior Advisor - Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland) and Sarianna Savolainen (Personal assistant to Mina).

This partnership meeting was led by LHRC’s Ms. Felista Mauya (Director of Empowerment and Accountability), Ms. Rita Mchaki (Sustainability and Compliance Manager) and Mr. Fundikila Wazambi (Senior Programm Officer - Research).

During the meeting the two parties discussed key LHRC achievements as well as future areas of cooperation. The visit was a unique opportunity for the staff at the Embassy to experience first-hand the work that LHRC does to support the underserved communities.