Dr. Wilbert Kapinga
Dr.Wilbert Kapinga is an Advocate, Notary Public, and Commissioner for Oaths; and managing partner of Bowman's law firm in Tanzania. He has been advising local and international financial institutions and enterprises on corporate, regulatory, and transactional matters for over 21 years.
Wilbert has consulted on a wide range of project finance, public-private partnerships (PPP), and infrastructure development projects, including highways, trains, maritime transportation, and airports. Wilbert has also provided natural resource advice to a number of international mining corporations and oil and gas exploration companies with operations in Tanzania, including local content requirements. Wilbert worked for seventeen years as a Senior Lecturer and Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Dar es Salaam, where he was a member of the teaching and research staff.
Wilbert is an Accredited Mediator, Negotiator, and Arbitrator in Tanzania and a full member of the Tanzania Institute of Arbitrators. He has served as an arbitrator in several domestic disputes and as an advocate in numerous domestic and international arbitration disputes, the latter involving ICSID, ICC, and UNICTRAL rules of procedure, and he has testified as an expert witness on Tanzanian law before the Swedish Court of Appeal in an international arbitration challenge. He has contributed to a number of Global Arbitration Review publications, as well as co-authoring a chapter on the enforcement of foreign arbitral awards and other articles in the Getting the Deal Done publications.
He holds law master's degrees from the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania and Columbia University in New York, as well as a doctorate from Northeastern University in Boston, United States of America.