LHRC organizes workshop to validate its study on the effects of climate change

LHRC organizes workshop to validate its study on the effects of climate change

Posted tokea miaka 2

Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC) conducted a workshop on February 21, 2023, to validate the Study on the Impacts of Climate Change on Socio-Economic Rights in Tanzania.

At the Holiday Inn Hotel in Dar es Salaam, the workshop was attended by researchers who piloted the study research in the six regions within Tanzania Mainland, including Mwanza, Mbeya, Kagera, Manyara, Dodoma, and Pwani.

During the workshop, Ralph Kananga, a climate change researcher, said that the regions were chosen because they represent the regions that engage in agriculture, breeding, fishing, and settlements.

“In Mwanza and Kagera regions, we concentrated on fishing activities in Lake Victoria, while in Pwani we devoted ourselves to deep sea fishing,” he said.

“In Manyara and Dodoma, we focused on livestock matters, while in Mbeya we focused on agriculture,” Mr Kananga said.

Natural Resources Specialist at E-Link Consult Ltd Shukuru Nyagawa said that the people who have lost their rights due to climate change are mothers and children as changes in climate change occur, those groups are disproportionately affected.