1. Background
Human Rights Clubs are children and youth-based associations established in primary schools, secondary schools, colleges and universities in Tanzania by the students under close support and supervision of their schools’ administrations with the facilitation and coordination of the Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC) as a parent organization.
- Regarding direction of the new LHRC Strategic Plan (SP), Operational Plan (OP) and the Work Plan for 2021, Human Rights Clubs become essential components in LHRC works and key strategic approach in community mobilization. Through Human Rights Clubs LHRC aims to make youth become knowledgeable, motivated and confident on human rights issues through different interventions which will be made by themselves and by LHRC as a parent organization as well as they can become good ambassadors of preaching and practicing human rights in general community life.
As part of LHRC Workplan implementation for 2021, LHRC through its Human Rights Clubs’ program unit is intending to produce 2 COMIC VIDEOS (i.e., carton videos and illustration) with the aim of communicate Child-rights and human-rights messages to youth.
This work is expected to be done by the service provider within 7 days from the day of entering into contract (agreement).
2. Objectives
- Produce 1 COMIC VIDEO for children’s rights.
- Produce 1 COMIC VIDEO which communicate human rights messages to youth.
3. Target Group
LHRC in producing these two videos target children (between 5 years to 17 years) majority found in primary schools’ levels and those out of the learning institutions. And youth (15 years to 30 years) who are probably at the college, university or tertiary level of learning with consideration of those who are outside of the learning institution who in any way are part of (members or alumni members) human rights clubs’ program in their respective locations.
4. Task
The engaged service provider / consultant (video producer) shall consider among other things in the produced videos he/she illustrates about;
- Child rights in specific way such as illustrating child rights to education, health care, protection against harmful and forceful labour, child neglect etc.
- Youth rights as human rights
- Mechanisms used to protect child rights in the community levels such as from local government levels, police forces (police gender and children’s desks), schools, judiciary (courts of law) etc.
- Harmful practices which are dominant in our communities that affects the growth and development of our children in the Tanzania community.
5. Methodology
LHRC will engage a video produce who is also capable to develop contents that fit the mentioned purposes above in close support and consultation of the Program Officer - HRCs and the Director of Empowerment of Accountability (DEA).
6. Expected Outcome
- 2 comic videos for children and youth will be produced.
- 2 comic videos for children and youth will be submitted to LHRC as the final product of this engagement with the service provide (video producer).
7. Key deliverables
- The engaged service provider will deliver 2 produced comic videos for children and youth human rights contents to LHRC.
8. Work plan/Justification of the activity/project
Production of these two (2) comic videos for children and youth on issues of huma rights and child rights in very specific manner will help LHRC to raise public awareness especially children and youth community on knowing their rights, ways of protecting and promoting their rights in a visual form hence will respond towards achievement of the LHRC workplan for 2021.
- Application and Deadline
All interested applicants are encouraged to apply sending their application package on how they will undertake the assignment and the budget to lhrc@humanrights.or.tz specifying ‘Application Comic Video Production in the title of the email. The Deadline for this application is 5th October 2021 at 5pm.