Posted tokea miaka 3


1. Background

Climate change has become a global agenda due to its impact on the sustainable development.  As climate change affects the global ecosystem everything else becomes affected. The normal way of lives of human beings are more likely to be transformed as climate change takes its course.  Poor and development countries are likely to be adversely affected with the climate change and the ability to cope with the situation will more likely to shock their social, economic and environments.  Developing countries are more likely to be affected on the impacts of the climate change as majority of the communities depends solely on nature for survival. With the economic activities such as agriculture and pastoralism that solely depends on nature, climate issues are crucial for their sustainability.

The United Nation has expressed concerns over state’s responsibilities on the actions to be taken to combat the impacts of the global climate change. Thus, the sustainable development goal No 13 calls for states’ responsibility and immediate action in promotion of adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters.

The national climate change response strategy 2021-2026 calls for an overall resilience to the potential adverse impacts of climate change and possible interventions to enable the country to pursue low emission development pathways to achieve sustainable development.

The national environmental policy 2021 has expressed concerns on the climate change and its impacts to economic growth and poverty in developing countries thus, calls for state’s intervention on the issue.

LHRC implementing the operational plan 2021-2024 advocates for an improved socio economic and environmental justice. Climate change as a global concern is evidently reported to have impacted the socio-economic rights and environmental justice since severe impacts are observed socially, economically and most of the reported environmental catastrophes results from the global impacts of the climate change.

With that being said, LHRC prepares a mini study on the climate change and its impacts on human rights in Tanzania.


2. Purpose of the Consultancy

The study will be conducted in Tanzania highlighting the impacts of climate change on the social, economic and environmental justice. The study aims at informing LHRC’s focus on advocating for state’s duty in protection of the established impacts of climate change on the social, economic and environmental justice of human beings. The study will anchor LHRC’s interventions on the climate change issues and human rights impacts. It will also be used for stakeholders’ engagement on the promotion and protection of socio-economic rights and environmental justice in the country.


3. Objectives

The main objective is to conduct a study in Tanzania on the impacts of climate change on the social, economic and environmental rights.


4. Specific objectives

  • To analyze the existing legal framework governing socio-economic and environmental rights that are likely to be impacted by the climate change.
  • To analyze the international framework and agreements through international and regional forums on climate change.
  • To conduct a field visit to the mentioned regions and collect data on climate change and impacts on human rights by surveying the agriculture activities, pastoral activities, fishing activities, human settlements and gender issues of given societies.
  • To provide any other relevant data regarding climate change and human rights impacts in the country.
  • To provide relevant recommendations;
  • To prepare a report of the study;
  • To present the findings before LHRC’s organized engagement sessions with wider audiences of stakeholders;


5. Use of the study

The study will be used as an anchor to inform LHRC’ s focus of intervention on human rights incidents impacted by the climate change. The study will also be used for an evidence-based advocacy on climate change and human rights impacts. Discussion with state and non-state actors on the climate change will be spearheaded based on the findings revealed by the study. Inclusively, the study will enhance engagement of stakeholders, including community, media, civil society organizations and private sector, in designing, implementing and monitoring sustainable climate change adaptation and mitigation interventions.


6. Scope of work

The study will be conducted through primary and secondary methodologies of data collection. A desk review on the legal analysis governing the socio-economic rights and environmental justice is crucial for comprehensiveness of the study. The laws and international conventions and agreements that the state has adhered regarding the climate change issues will also be analyzed.

The field study will also be conducted in 5 regions to have included Manyara, Singida, lake zone and Mbeya and Pwani.  (or any other region after discussion and agreement with LHRC),

Involvement of responsible ministries and sectors that are mentioned to have been impacted by the climate change should also be engaged for the study. State and non-state actors on the socio-economic rights and environmental justice should also be engaged.

The study will focus on the agriculture industry, pastoral activities, fishing industries and human settlements.

7. Deliverables

The consultant is expected to provide the following deliverables:

        1. An inception report, outlining understanding of ToRs, methodological approach and timeline to be able to accomplish the assignment;

        2. A draft HR study report;

        3. A 10-15 pages summary of the study with specific key recommendations

       4. A 30-minute Power Point Presentation and the presentation before a stakeholder’s session; and

       5. Final report, 70-90 pages (1.5 font size), reflecting on the objectives of the study.


 8. Timeline

The consultant should be able to accomplish all stated activities, including final report, within 45 working days, including weekends and public holidays.


9. Reporting

       The consultant shall report to the Director of Empowerment and Accountability.


10. Fees & Payment Modality

The payment of consultancy fee is based on the receipt/approval of the following study deliverables:

  • Inception report- 35%
  • Draft report-35%
  • Final report -25%

Note: A withholding tax of 5% shall be withheld on all the consultancy fee.


11. Stakeholder Engagement Session

  • LHRC shall cover for consultant’s accommodation, travel and meals during the stakeholder’s engagement session as agreed during dissemination of the contents of the study. These costs will be covered in accordance with the LHRC policy.


12. Qualifications and Key Competences

At the minimum, the consultant should possess a Master degree in a field of social sciences, law, and/or climate change. Consultant should have an experience of at least five years conducting research on human rights and/or climate change issues.  Specifically, the consultant should possses:

         1. Demonstrated experience in undertaking similar studies;

          2. Strong background in research, human rights, and climate change;

          3. Strong background and key competence on qualitative and quantitative data analysis approaches and methods;

          4. Experience

          5. Excellent analytical, interpersonal, communication and report writing skills;

          6. Excellent written and presentation skills (English)

          7. Good understanding of existing legal and policy frameworks on climate change and human rights

           8. Computer skills (comfortable);

           9. Experience on working with communities; and

          10. Fluent in spoken and written Swahili and English Languages.


N.B: PhD qualification shall be and extensive knowledge on socio-economic rights and environmental justice shall be added advantages.


13. Proprietary Rights

The deliverables of this assignment shall remain the property of the Legal and Human Rights Centre.


14. Application Process

Interested candidates should submit:

  • Expression of interest submission (cover letter) indicating availability
  • Technical and financial proposal
  • Updated CVs

Applications should be received on or before 11th March 2022 via email to lhrc@humanrights.or.tz. The email subject should read LHRC Climate Change and Human Rights Study.